Thursday, 4 April 2013

Energy, where art thou?

RIGHT, well it's April and that monthly blog resolution clearly didn't work out. There was no solve the clues type game that you weren't aware of in order to get to a link which will  lead the loyal reader to a rewarding March blog post. No, nothing so creative and energetic as that. There was just white space, emptiness, an absence of effort. Lack of drive, Himself would say, to which I would say f... actually, best not write down what I would say to that, my gran may very well read this at some point. 

Indeed, I've been thinking a lot about drive lately and taking note of the people around me who go about their day jobs but spend their free time following their other passions. It's inspiring to see others put in that time and effort to achieve something separate to their daily routine at work and I'm in awe of how they manage it. I think energy is the key to juggling it all. I'm still trying to find that energy this year to work on all of  the various things I want to achieve while doing my job/commute the best I can.

The weather hasn't exactly helped much. It was so cold on my run last week that when I finally stopped at 12 miles, my body refused to leave the running pose and I had to lie on my bed as if mid-jog for about an hour until it thawed out. This morning when I got to the station, I had to wipe the tears from my eyes after cycling in as the wind was that bitter. I got a few strange looks but I know they were most likely sympathetic, thinking 'if I looked like that in the morning, I'd cry too!' Picture a 5"2 Gollum-like creature in a helmet and high-vis jacket who's just been told his 'precious' ring is definitely gone this time, hence the red, teary face. Uncanny eh?

But bad weather is just another excuse. My daily motivational mottos on FB inform me 'quitting is for losers' and 'no pain, no gain'. One asked me the other day: 'Are you going to be a wimp, or a champion?' I think I'll be a champion wimp thank you. Saves having to choose between the two. At the end of the day, the only person who can make you go the extra mile in your life is you. That's my motto, and I don't stick to it but I know it's true. I have two months left to up my game before the marathon. I have about 9 months to go until my house resembles a house again and we return to what life was like BHD (Before House Demolition), which should hopefully include such luxuries as a bathroom door, ceilings and a dust-free kitchen.

I have this weekend off  finally so I am herewith appointing it as 'The Weekend To Regroup'. I will knock back some Berocca, make some lists and 'find myself' again, like Julia Roberts did in Eat, Pray, Love, but from the discomfort of my own home, rather than an ashram in India. I will emerge Monday morning victorious and well-rested, with boundless energy and a new appetite for my passions. Or I'll just be a champion wimp on a bike. It's up to me, right?

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